TSLA - Tesla Inc

Discussion in 'Stock Message Boards NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX' started by Administrator, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. Auri

    Auri Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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  2. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Global auto sales down by over 25%.

    Tesla sales up by 40%, lol!

    German auto makers are now moving more quickly toward electrification.

    American auto makers are delaying and shelving EV programs.
  3. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    lol, this was pretty funny

    TomB16 likes this.
  4. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Tesla has applied for a license to sell electricity on the wholesale market in Britain. In other words.

    Tesla doesn't own the largest battery in the world. It's a Tesla battery but it is owned by Hornsdale Power Reserve.

    I've often wondered if, given it's druthers, Tesla would build out power production itself or sell hardware to partners. We still don't know but this may be a clue.

    Early on, Tesla did a couple of projects and it seemed clear they did them to prove themselves, as they probably had trouble attracting customers.

    These days, Tesla can't meet customer demand so it seems a little telling they would apply for a grid license in Britain. On the other hand, they are expanding the Hornsdale site so any strategy to expand their own power utility is clearly not a monopolistic ideal.
  5. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Tesla just cut a deal to purchase battery formation equipment from Korea. This equipment does not manufacture batteries. "Formation" is the process of initial charging during which the chemical reaction is initialized, causing changes to the anode which effectively turn the structure into a battery.

    This suggests they are close to bulk manufacturing their own batteries but likely further than I thought. I expected Tesla to announce their own cells were already in use on the energy storage side by June. Now, it looks like it will be closer to this fall.
    B Russ likes this.
  6. StockJock-e

    StockJock-e Brew Master
    Staff Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Interesting, thanks!
  7. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Until roughly February of this year, we used to see grid energy storage announcements which cited the storage supplier. Now, we are seeing published announcements of significant energy storage that make no mention of the battery vendor.

    Most recently, the Clean Power Alliance in California announced a project to store another 400MWh of energy. By the way, CPA is becoming a big deal in CA, being an exclusive supplier to 29 cities. More cities, including major ones like San Diego, are making noises to follow suit.

    It seems likely the new storage project will feature a farm of Tesla MegaPacks. Tesla probably has most of this business sewn up, into the foreseeable future.

    As Tesla's cost of battery production spirals down, Sonnen seems to be fading away from view. I've been trying to assess Sonnen's material cost and I don't believe their costs have gone down, at all.
  8. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Lots of road construction at Giga Berlin the last 24 hours.

    Oh yeah, the recently renamed Giga Berlin has been renamed again to Giga Brandenburg a few days ago. Berlin was easier to spell so I'm against the change but Elon has me by the stock certificates so Brandenburg it is....

    Oh yeah, Elon is now divesting most of his material possessions. I'm concerned there is going to be a Y Grimes Edition with a man bun holder, ironic personal quote on entry feature, and video hacky sack on the Tesla Games app.
  9. Auri

    Auri Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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  10. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I'm trying to confirm they still have just one production line in Shanghai. The production target was 3000 vehicles per week and they exceeded that. One 3 line at Fremont can exceed 3000 vehicles per week by a little bit.

    The 3 line in Shanghai is currently down for production. It is scheduled to return with a rumored capacity of 4000 vehicles per week.

    Tesla is currently selling over 7000 model 3 per week, so they have capacity problems.

    I'm not sure how many lines they have room for at Giga Shanghai but interior pics of Giga Shanghai make it look they have planned for, at least, two more 3 production lines.

    As I understand it, the massive new building will be for Y production.

    Giga Shanghai is already a huge success but they are still working toward achieving 100% Asian content on the MIC model 3. Rumor is, they should achieve this buy late summer.
  11. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    It's interesting to read Lorena Gonzales described as a Chevron shill in the media. This position seems a bit myopic, to say the least. I should disclose that I know very little about her campaign or dark money in her riding.

    On the other hand, she does come across as someone who cares more about her own alpha than her constituents. She certainly hasn't presented any narrative that makes me think she is a reasonable person.

    I've been thinking it could make sense for Tesla to start from scratch at a new plant. It may not be as expensive as it seems. Not to dismiss the size of the task but I'm sure Giga Shanghai is a better facility than Freemont, and Giga Berlin will be better than Giga Shanghai. Giga Texas will undoubtedly be better still. Such is the way of iteration.

    Tesla is primarily a software company. It's tough to move software companies since the staff primarily hold the IP. It would be easier to move manufacturing, which will tend to be the lower paying jobs.

    The key here, for me, is that I don't see a particularly bad outcome here. Moving the company might be a good idea, or not. I'm certainly not going to panic sell, or anything of the sort.
    JaysonW likes this.
  12. Bluehat

    Bluehat New Member

    May 11, 2020
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    AI thinks it still has room to move - autonomyinvestment.com - based solely on fundamentals. I was surprised, but it has rarely been wrong for me, so I’m still long.
  13. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    BTW, the 1000 sales per day in China is real but misleading.

    Sales took a jump on April 1, when the price was lowered and the MIC 3 qualified for the subsidy. I have no idea how long this demand will continue but I don't expect this to be steady state.
  14. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    Alameda orders a stop production at the Tesla plant in Fremont.

    It looks like we have a shoot-out at the Tesla corral. Of course, Tesla will lose on legal grounds. The government almost always wins. I doubt there will be a cost, though.

    This is not an ideal situation but the drama will buy Tesla some time to get back on their game of steamrolling the rest of the EV world with a dishearteningly relentless pace of innovation.

    I suspect this is basically neutral for stock holders but probably what everyone wants.

    Meanwhile, Governors and Mayors from the US south central, all the way to Florida, are demonstrating their prowess at tweet fellatio.

    To see so many politicians swooning for Tesla's presence in their area tells us a lot about how strong the Tesla brand is. Everyone wants Tesla in their back yard.
    #1554 TomB16, May 12, 2020
    Last edited: May 13, 2020
  15. Auri

    Auri Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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    This is good news for all EV related companies in China

    China to Accelerate the Adoption of Electric Vehicles

    NEW YORK, ----- Ideanomics Inc., (Nasdaq: IDEX) announced that the Chinese State Council issued a Three-Year Action Plan for the Battle of the Blue Sky accelerating the country's Blue Sky Plan originally unveiled in 2018. The 2018 Blue Sky Plan's centerpiece was the development of an ecofriendly transport system with higher fuel efficiency and lower emissions and included fines for pollution, carbon emissions and the contamination of water. The Three-Year-Action Plan includes agreements of 24 provinces and cities to accelerate the adoption of new energy vehicles. Ideanomics' Mobile Energy Global (MEG) group is already actively working with seven of the priority regions. Below are these regions' plans to promote conversion to electric vehicles (EVs).

    Inner Mongolia: Plan to promote the application (adoption) of 100,000 new energy vehicles throughout the region.

    Shandong Province: All buses will be replaced with new energy vehicles by the end of 2020. The broader target is for the number of clean energy vehicles to reach 500,000 in 2022.

    Jiangsu Province: Plans to promote the adoption of 250,000 clean energy vehicles. By the end of 2020, charging infrastructure to support 200,000 electric vehicles will be in place. Ideanomics' MEG is actively involved in this effort through its charging station initiative with PetroChina in Nanjing – a major city in Jiangsu province.

    Guangdong Province: By the end of 2020, new energy buses in Guangdong will account for more than 75% of all buses, and all Pearl River Delta cities will commence electrification adoption plans in 2020. Taxis in the Pearl River Delta are mandated to use new energy vehicles, of which pure electric vehicles will account for no less than 80% and increase by 5 percentage points year by year.

    Hainan Province: Electrification of the entire island by 2030. Hainan has introduced legislation banning the sale of fossil fuel vehicles by 2030, to ensure adoption of new energy vehicles within the island.

    Sichuan Province: Legislation has been passed to ban fossil fuel trucks in city centers. The city of Chengdu has assumed a leadership role in the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in the logistics and distribution industries. From 2017, Chengdu phased in the gradual reduction of fossil fuel cargo vehicles into the city over three years.

    Guangxi: The promotion of all new passenger cars as new energy vehicles. All passenger vehicles in national scenic spots and national tourist attractions must use new energy vehicles, through either replacement or conversion. Municipalities, enterprises, public institutions, sanitation, logistics, postal, and airport commuting areas are mandated to all procure only electric vehicles as fleet renewals occur.

  16. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    The first pile driver is on the scene at Brandenburg.
  17. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    There is a rumor the next gigafactory will be in Austin, tx. It is being reported as fact, by a couple of YouTubers, but it's just a rumor.

    Further, the rumor suggests Elon wants Giga Austin to produce cars by the end of this year.

    This rumor has some credibility but I'm plenty skeptical. Let's consider what it would mean, if true...

    1) it would be a signal Tesla has a new source of batteries. We know they have been working on this feverishly for a while now and we know they are close.

    2) it could signal that Tesla sees the current valuations as an infinite well of money. If so, I'm not sure I disagree.

    3) it isn't as ridiculous as it sounds. Batteries and motors would come from Giga Nevada. Interior parts would come from California where they should have some spare capacity once giga Shanghai is producing everything locally.

    4) it would just be a general assembly line, to start. Body parts would be stamped in California for the Y and probably folded locally for the cybertruck.

    It might be possible.

    If the rumor is true and Tesla misses the date but still produces vehicles by the end of 21q2, it will still be an amazing feat.
    #1557 TomB16, May 15, 2020
    Last edited: May 15, 2020
    T0rm3nted likes this.
  18. The Brontide

    The Brontide Active Member

    May 15, 2020
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    My first legit post here. And man I love the TSLA.

    I have been in and out of this stock for the last few years.

    And quite honestly the company shares have made me enough to buy cash one of the CyberTrucks optioned out.

    Which I will be doing once the get the Austin plant up and running in the Terafactory.

    Right now, I am out. It is overpriced for the expected revenue Q2, and the S&P disappointment will weigh heavy for a couple three months.
    T0rm3nted and TomB16 like this.
  19. TomB16

    TomB16 Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2018
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    The last couple of days, a few things are being thrown around in the media that are most likely incorrect.

    Reports of Tesla building in Hutto, TX seem to be founded entirely on a bunch of construction equipment operating in the area and some new concrete columns poured. It literally stems from someone driving buy and wondering, "I wonder if that is the new Tesla plant..."

    This could be the new Tesla plant but I'm going to keep my feet on the ground here. lol!

    Next, there is conflation between a 600 mile range battery and a 1M mile life battery. They are being discussed as if they are the same. They may not be, although it is possible and it would be a new phase for electric propulsion, if true.

    The 1M mile battery is said to be built on LiFEPO4 chemistry. The 600+ mile range battery has also been cited in a couple of articles as lithium iron.

    The thing is, lithium iron is good for 4000 cycles today. At 250 miles per charge, that is already 1M miles. No development is necessary to achieve this.

    The current NCA based chemistry in Tesla cars is good for 1000 cycles. At 400 miles per cycle, that is 400K miles. NCA has higher energy density than LIFEPO4, so is more suitable in a car where there is a penalty for carrying around a bunch of extra weight for a million miles.

    The new roadster is going to get close to 1M mile range, just by virtue of having a huge pack. As the pack size is increased, and the distance per charge goes up, the longevity of the pack also goes up because any pack based on the current NCA chemistry is good for 1000 cycles. So, the 650 mile range pack means it will last 650K miles.

    What this comes down to is either Tesla has developed a multi-ion process, which will increase the energy density of LIFEPO4 or they have improved the anode stability for more cycles on their NCA platform.

    They are also talking about eliminating cobalt, so the "C" in NCA has to go. This could suggest LIFEPO4 but it isn't a slam dunk. There are other chemistries which have appeared compelling, over the years, but are not in common use for various reasons.

    There are a lot of factors to juggle in this. Energy density, cost, the social price of cobalt, thermal envelope, and internal resistance (relates to performance and cooling).

    The only thing I'm confident of, with regard to a new battery platform, is that Tesla is the world power when it comes to batteries and this work is a significant benefiting to civilization.
    T0rm3nted likes this.
  20. Auri

    Auri Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2016
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