Ronzoil option trades

Discussion in 'Trade Journals' started by Ronzoil, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. put spread in SPY expired this closes out and iron condor that went bad for a $2 win.

    2. assigned stock in GM at 37.00 a share. The original puts I sold collected .75 so my cost is 36.25 per share. will now start selling calls to further reduce my cost.

    3.closed KRE strangle for 20% win

    4.closed put spread in SHOP for 50% win

    5.closed put spread in TSLA for 50% win

    6.closed condor in DAL for 10 % win

    7.closed put spread in GM for 80% win

    8.closed 3 puts spreads in IWM for 50 % win

    9.closed put spread in XRT for 30 % win

    10.closed put spread in BA for 5 % win

    11,closed call side of condor in NWL for 3.50 debt total trade now down 1.34 will roll put side until a winner.

    12.rolled up put in APPL for 1.55 credit now I have and iron fly

    13.sold apple put spread for .23 credit

    14.bought TWTR for 18.30

    15. sold 18 calls against stock for .41 credit 4 day trade

    16.sold 35 call in GM for .37 credit

    17.close put spread in SPY for 30 % win

    18.sold put spread in BA for .36 credit

    19.sold put spread in AAPL for .76 credit

    20. sold put spread in AAPL for .30 credit
    #21 Ronzoil, May 8, 2017
    Last edited: May 8, 2017
  2. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1.closed put spread in BA for 50% win

    2.closed put spread in AAPL for 35% win

    3.closed condor in AMGN for 25% win

    4.sold a put spread in BA for .36 credit

    5.rolled VXX put for .27 credit

    6.closed out call in X for 50 % win

    7. sold call in X for .33 credit

    8.closed out put spread in FSLR this is the last leg in an earnings play that went wrong. Closed the total trade out for $45 win
  3. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1.bought back calls in TWTR for .01 win

    2. sold stock in TWTR scalp for .01 win

    3.scalp in RIG for .01 win

    4.scalp in SNAP for .05 win

    5.bought stock in SNAP for 23.13 earnings play

    6 sold 23 calls in SNAP for 1.55 credit

    7.closed out put spread in IWM trade gone bad recovery trade total $ 20 profit

    8.scalp in AMD for .05 win

    9. closed out call side of condor in BA in the money calls pay dividend today for 1.04 debit total trade still a win.

    10.sold naked 34 put in GM for .32 credit

    11.sold put spread in LULU for .70 credit- still repairing bad earnings trade.

    12. Rolled put spread down from 165 to 162.5 in AMGN for 1.50 debt

    13.scalp in AMD for .02 win

    14.closed out call side of AAPL condor for 2.67 debt total trade still 1.44 to the good.

    15.rolled up puts in TSLA condor for 1.31 credit
    #23 Ronzoil, May 10, 2017
    Last edited: May 10, 2017
  4. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. bought back calls in SNAP for .03 this was a 1.52 win- that will be used to repair bad earnings trade

    2. closed out put spread in DAL for 60% win

    3.closed out put spread in DAL for 65 % win

    4.sold 51 put in LULU for 1.25 credit

    5.closed out condor in DAL for a .05 win-market moving against position.

    6. rolled put in NVDA from 115-120 for 1.72 credit -now have and iron fly on.

    7.sold Call spread in IBM for .56 credit

    8.rolled calls in KMX for .32 credit.

    9. sold 24 calls in BAC for .23 credit

    10.sold put spread in NVDA for .23

    11. closed out put spread in NVDA for 50 % win.

    12.closed out naked put in TEVA for 40% win over night trade.

    13.rolled calls in CREE from 22.5 to 23 for .01 credit, this will take in .50 more if called away.

    14.sold call spread in AMGN for .34 credit

    15.rolled 152.5 put in IBM for .56 credit

    16.sold condor in XOP for .65 credit
    17.rolled calls in EBAY for .57 credit. this is to repair bad earnings trade. the position is now winner.

    18. sold condor in FXE for 1.00 credit.
    #24 Ronzoil, May 11, 2017
    Last edited: May 11, 2017
  5. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. close out put spread in FXE for 80% win

    2.scalped AMD for .05

    3.bought AMD stock at 11.25

    4. sold 11 calls in AMD for .47

    5. sold 15--145 put spread in IBM for .70 one week trade.

    6. closed out condor in TSLA for 12% win.

    7.sold 315/312.5 put in TSLA for .55 credit

    8.sold condor in AAOI for 5.24 credit.

    9.sold call spread in X for .23 credit.

    10.rolled calls in BAC for .23 credit.

    11.stock in TWTR called away for .33 per share profit - one week scalp play.
    #25 Ronzoil, May 12, 2017
    Last edited: May 12, 2017
  6. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    These trades were closed after the market closed on Friday.

    1. Put spread in NVDA expired worthless for 100% win. This the first of 3 legs to repair the bad earning trade all going as planned.

    2. Puts in FXE expired worthless for 100 % win.This closes out condor trade that went against me for a small win.

    3. Puts in DAL expired worthless for 100 % win.This closes out the condor that went bad total trade now a small win.

    Note- If I was as good at trading earnings as I am as fixing bad ones I would be rich !
  7. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. closed out put spread in AAPl for 33% win

    2.closed out put spread in NVDA this is leg 2 of 3 of loosing earnings trade

    3. Closed out put spread in NVDA this is leg 3 of 3 of loosing earnings trade total trade now closed for a small profit.

    4.rolled calls in SNAP from 19.5 to 21 for .68 debt. this is repairing loosing earnings trade.

    5.closed out strangle in XLV for 7% win.

    6.closed out put spread in IBM for 50 % win

    7.bought AMD stock at 11.54

    8. sold 11.50 call in AMD for .31 expires this week,
  8. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1.rolled put in FXE for .21 credit

    2.closed out naked put in IBM for 25 % win

    3.sold the 57.5-60 put spread in KMX for .19 credit expires this week.

    4.sold 11-12 put spread in AMD for .17 credit expires this week.

    5.sold condor in XOP for .50 credit

    6.sold IBM 150-152.5 put spread for .60 credit

    7.bought back calls in BAC for .34 credit.

    8. sold BAC stock for 24.01 for .17 loss

    Total BAC trade .17 per share win.

    9.scalp in AMD for .01 win
  9. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1.sold AMD stock for .02 profit

    2. bought calls back for .04 win

    3.closed out call spread in AMGN for 50% win

    4.rolled 34 put in Gm for .18 credit

    5.roll short side of put spread in AMD for .17 credit.

    6.closed long side of BA put spread for 1.92 credit.

    7.rolled short side of BA puts for .74 credit

    8.sold put spread in FXE for .19 credit

    9.closed put spread in TSLA for $133 loss-took in to small of credit.

    10.sold call spread in AMGN for .50 credit

    11. rolled call down in LULU for .61 credit-this is still repairing bad earnings trade.

    12.closed call spread in X for 50 % win

    13. rolled call in X for .50 credit stock write call in AMD total cost 11.29 selling the 11.5 call for this week.

    15. rolled call in NFLX for .55 credit.
    #29 Ronzoil, May 17, 2017
    Last edited: May 17, 2017
  10. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. Rolled 152.5 put in IBM for .59 credit.

    2.rolled call in LULU from 52.5 to 50 for .90 credit -still repairing bad earnings trade.

    3.closed condor in PCLN for even - with the wild swing in the market trading and $1800 dollar stock can go bad in a hurry.

    4.sold 33/34 call spread in GM for .18 credit

    5.sold 144/145 put spread in MCD for .32 credit

    6.closed put spread in KMX for 85 % win

    7.sold the 8/9/10/11 iron condor in P for .46 credit

    8.sold condor in GM for .36 credit.
  11. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1.sold call spread in AMGN for .80 credit

    2.sold call spread in LULU for .25 credit

    3.sold condor in P 7.5/8.5 10/11 for .42 credit 21 days to expire

    4.sold condor in P 7.5/8.5/10/11 for .32 credit 14 days to expire

    5.sold put spread in FXE for .25 credit

    6.rolled call in AMD for .25 credit

    7. bought stock in P for 9.36

    8. sold 9.5 call in P for .40 credit

    9. rolled calls in AMD for .25 credit

    10. bought back call in AMD for 75% win

    11.sold AMD stock for .01 win

    12.bought back put in MCD for 50% win.

    13.sold put spread in JD after big move on earnings

    14. bought back put spread in JD for 60% win.

    15. rolled put in AMGN from 162.5 to 160 for 1.60 debt

    16. closed out call spread in AMGN for 50% win

    17. bought back 11 call in AMD for .43 debt

    18. sold stock in AMD for 11.42- total trade .21 win per share
    #31 Ronzoil, May 19, 2017
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
  12. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Just wondering if anyone is enjoying my post and would be interest in getting live trades via twitter ? This is a free service it is not investment advise and if you choose to make the trades you are doing so at your own risk.
  13. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1.closed cal spread in AMGN for 50% win. a month ago or so I opened a put spread in AMGN. It was trading around 180 and I sold the 175-172.5 well it been going down from day one. So instead of just rolling the puts for small credit, when in an loosing position I like to do other trades to help repair the loosing trade. This is a repair trade. the stock has been going down so I have been selling call spreads above the current price. when they reach 50 % profit I close them out.

    2.closed out call side of condor in FXE for .47 debt. keeping puts as this keeps going higher. This trade started as an iron condor. The price has gone above my short call side, so instead of fighting the move I sold I bought the call side out for less than what I receved in credit . so I will hold the put side until it is a winner.

    3.sold covered call in BAC for .25 Last week I bought BAC stock and sold calls against it,the calls expired on Friday so I am selling calls against it again. This stock seems to be one you can do this on a weekly time frame.

    4.bought stock in BAC for 23.17 This was an attempt scalp trade, did not work out as price went down soon after. So I sold the call # 5 trade today so If they are called away it will be for an .08 profit per share.

    5. Sold 23 call for this week for .25 this is the call from the trade above. note if the stock is not called away this week, I keep the .25 this is 1% of the stock price and if you can collect 1% a week on anything that 52% a year ! I will take that any day

    6.sold condor in AAPL for 3.24 credit. sold the condor with 5 dollar wide strikes, so max loss is 1.75 per contract. the trade has good theta decay look to close it out for 10-25 %win depends on how the trade goes.

    7.sold call spread in AMGN for .40 This is a trade to help fix a bad trade. in this case I will take a small credit but trade more than 1 contract.

    8.close out call side in FXE condor for 1.62 debt closed out call side of iron condor as the etf keeps going higher. still have the puts and some credit, if all goes well the put expire worthless.

    9.sold 20 calls in X for .46 credit.this trade started out as selling 35 put in X when it was 37 or so . well the bottom fell out so now I am the new owner of some X stock. I have around 33.5 in it as I had around 1.50 credit from selling the puts. so in order to get any time of good premium I must sell calls close to the money. so 20 it is !

    10. rolled put in SPY for .49 credit price keeps going up so I rolled the put side of the condor for credit, this is playing defense.

    11. closed out put spread in TSLA for 10 % win price is drifting lower so time to take profit and run.

    2. closed out condor in NFLX for 12 % win.this as set on auto fill , it closed before I had a chance to adjust my offer. but a win is a win.

    13. AAOI rolled put for 1.60 credit price keeps going up so rolled put side for credit.

    14. closed out call spread and naked put in IBM for $15 win.part of repairing a bad trade time to take a small profit and do it again.

    15. sold put spread in NVDA for. 50 credit- price keeps going up so I sell put spread

    16 closed condor in XOP for 30 % win this has been a go to trade for some time, I close one today and started another one also.

    17.sold condor in XOP for ,48 credit. go to trade

    18.bought back naked put in BA closed trade for $37 win. I never thought I would close this trade, not a good return on a high dollar stock.

    19 bought back call side of condor in AAOI for 5.10 debt. Still have the put side with 1.74 credit. price is going to the moon so I sold out loosing side, now hope the puts expire worthless.

    20.sell 31-30 put spread in GT for .15 credit. repairing a bad trade-not a good opening trade

    21.sold put spread in KMX for .50 credit repairing a bad trade.price going up I sell puts
    #33 Ronzoil, May 22, 2017
    Last edited: May 22, 2017
  14. Stockaholic

    Stockaholic Content Manager

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Thanks for these daily trade updates! Your trade journal is about our most active on Stockaholics so kudos for keeping this thread updated each day. I'm sure there are a lot of lurkers out there reading this daily who are enjoying this thread.

    If I might just add one small suggestion in here...and this might be asking for too much...if it is then don't even bother!

    But perhaps if you can expand on some of these a bit and post up some of the thought process that goes behind a few of these?

    Not sure if anyone else would like to see this too? But, just spitballing ideas here.

    You're quite the active trader. I haven't come across anyone quite as active as of you in a long while. It's good to have someone like around here. We need more active traders like yourself posting in here. Keep up the great work! :D
  15. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Glad you enjoy reading the thread. thanks for the advice and I believe your on to something. I will up date todays post and will do so going forward. feel free to help me develop my part of the forum.
    StockJock-e and Stockaholic like this.
  16. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    Figure I would write a little about how I trade.

    If you have been reading my post you have seen that I like to sell to open a trade. This is based on the fact that all option are a wasting asset and decay as time moves on.

    My go to trade is an iron condor and sometimes an iron fly. I place more condor trades as with a condor you have a way to make and adjustment if the price moves against you to far.

    This as an example using real numbers.
    Stock XOP price 35.24

    We will sell the condor with strikes of 32.5/33.5 puts and 36.5/37.5 calls with 17 days to go. we will collect .39 credit per contract ( this is greater than 1/3 the width of the strike so it a fair price to trade for)

    This trade has a 1.05 % of theta decay per contract - I like to trade with 1% or greater.

    The max win on this is the credit recieved when you sold to open .39 per contract and a contract is 100 shares so .39 X 100 = $39 per contract.

    Max loss is figures the same .61 per contract so $61.

    so let say we decide to trade 5 contract so the max win is $39 x 5 = $195.
    max loss is $61 x 5 or $305

    in a perfect trade I would set the GTC order to buy it back once I have a 50 % winner. or buy back for .20 .

    if the stock does not move you can lower your buy back price and ride it all the way to expiration and keep it all, but that does not happen to often.

    So when I adjust I also will lower the percent I am willing to accept as a win.

    let say the price move higher and crosses the short strike of 36.5 time to make an adjustment.

    Roll up the short put which is the 33.5 put to say 35.5 you will get a credit for this. let say .41 so now we have collected a total of .80 cents.

    and if the trade stays between our new short strikes of 35.5 put and 36.5 call we can make a nice profit.

    but with this new narrow window to have a winning trade I will lower the percentage I will close the trade out at. I will take 25% of the .80 collected.

    in case the stock continues to go up I will buy back the call side of the trade hopefully for less than the total credit taken in on the trade. Then wait for the put side to expire worthless.
    #36 Ronzoil, May 23, 2017
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
  17. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1.assigned GT stock at 35.50 well the path to turn this into a win begins !

    2. sold 32.5 call in GT for .35 start of bad trade repair, selling close to the money call to collect the most.

    3.sold 11 call in AMD for .28 tried to get this filled yesterday with no luck. this is against long stock

    4.rolled call in GM from 23 to 24 for .38 debt had inverted call on the stock down move,now it coming back , so this roll has me back to an iron condor.

    5.rolled puts in SPY from 233-237 for .66 credit.price keeps going up so I rolled put to keep the trade alive.

    6.sold condor in AAP for 2.28 credit earrings play

    7.sold iron fly in P for 1.33 credit
    sold 6, 9 , 12 fly high chance for profit in this trade

    8. sold 50-51 call spread in LULU for .13 credit repairing bad earnings trade. looking to keep it all

    9. rolled call in AMD from 11.5 to 11 for .25 credit. the stock is moving down a little so in order to get more credit I rolled down in price and out 1 week in time,

    10. sold condor in XOP 17 day to expire for .35 credit. go to trade keeps paying so I keep playing !
    #37 Ronzoil, May 23, 2017
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
  18. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. closed put spread in NVDA for 50 % win. nice profit time to move on to another trade.

    2.closed naked put in X for 50% win nice profit time to move on to another trade, part of repairing bad trade.

    3.rolled call in AAP from 150 to 140 for 1.05 credit. price moving down playing defense

    4.was assigned 200 shares of IBM for $165 my true cost is $161.65 as I sold the puts to open the trade. time to reduce cost.

    5.rolled call in X from 20 to 23 for 1.39 debt stock going up for once ! I am still underwater do not want to have stock call away for a loss

    6.sold put spread in TSLA for next week for .71 credit. good chance I will keep all of this, will set auto fill at 50 % profit and keep an eye on it.

    7.scalped AMD for .03 win

    8. sold iron fly in XOP 34-35-36 iron fly 2 day trade for .69 credit.
    good chance for this to pay off

    9. sold condor in FB for .97 credit. good credit hope to make 50 %

    10. closed call spread in VXX for 60% win, when vol was up I sold the call spread now it down pay day !
    #38 Ronzoil, May 24, 2017
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  19. Ciao (Sheppy)

    Ciao (Sheppy) Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2016
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    here you are...
    interesting thread .... although I trade few options (very few) I am useless ...
    too late for me now to get involved (bed time here) but I will came back an d DD on your hard + useful thread
    bravo :cool:
  20. Ronzoil

    Ronzoil Member

    Apr 20, 2017
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    1. closed out put spread in GT for 50 % win.part of repairing bad trade 50 % win I am gone

    2.closed out condor in XOP for 50 % win nice win cash me out please.

    3.rolled call in AAP from 140-135 for .90 credit bad earnings trade stock moving down i adjust.

    4.rolled call in SNAP from 21-22 for .13 debt did not want stock call away yet

    5.closed out condor in GM for break even part of bad trade repair i will always take a scratch versa a loss

    6.sold put spread in SNAP for .23 credit stock making nice move up I sell put spreads

    7. sold condor in GM for .31 credit trying again to help repair bad trade

    8. bought AMD at 10.95 good
    chance to make a few cents on stock and calls line 8 and 9 together

    9. sold 11 call in AMD for .24 expires next week.

    10 sold 135-140 call spread in AAP for .68
    trying to repair bad earnings trade stock down big so I sell call spread.

    11. sold call spread in XOP for .20 credit price moving down I sell call spread.

    12. rolled call down in XOP from 37-35 for .28 credit.
    adjusting condor

    13 close out call spread in LULU for 60% win repairing bad trade.

    14.closed out put spread in TSLA for 50 % win
    you know the drill 50% win cash me out
    #40 Ronzoil, May 25, 2017
    Last edited: May 25, 2017

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