Percentages not displayed correctly on different sites.

Discussion in 'Ask any question!' started by cashburger, Jan 30, 2022.

  1. cashburger

    cashburger New Member

    May 19, 2020
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    Hello, I've been learning about evaluating stocks and ETFs recently, but something that really seems wrong to me, is that many financial sites are not listing percent values correctly. They are not using operators correctly
    For example:
    I wanted to know the tracking efficiency of the LIT - ETF. They list it as -0.22%

    Here is my question: 0.22% is not 22 percent. It's 22 hundreds of a percent. If you add the percent operator, you are indicating the number in percent form. Many of these sites are listing numbers in decimal form but still adding the percent and it's confusing from site to site. Is there a standard?

    So is the LIT etf 22% off track from it's index? or .22 hundreds of a percent? I would say 22 hundreds. But I'm hoping the site is not trying to simplify assuming this as as 22%, because it's not.

    This number is twenty two percent 22%
    This number is not twenty two percent 0.22%

    This is a decimal 0.22
    This is a percent xx%
    #1 cashburger, Jan 30, 2022
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2022

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