M1 Finance

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by ElectricSavant, Mar 31, 2019.

  1. ElectricSavant

    ElectricSavant Active Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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    I scan for A+ stocks daily with the Best Stocks Now App. Lately it has not been so active. But this is earnings season so I anticipate some new entries into this section of the M1 folio. This section is proving to be profitable...how profitable we shall see. Since I am on a quest to make up for lost time and to keep up with the S & P 500 I do not have any problem with increasing the percentage in this slice of pie in the future.

    There are currently 2 holdings in this 10% slice...CVNA and LILA. I hold them until they slide to the hold position then I am out. Stocks rotate through this app and can be held for months and some for only days. Generally it can be said that this slice will grow in the number of holdings as less fall out compared to the new appearances.

    #21 ElectricSavant, Apr 28, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
  2. ElectricSavant

    ElectricSavant Active Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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    Buy-Back stock screening has not proven to be something that I use...not that it is not a good thing to watch.

    I was heavy into dividend paying stocks from the beginning but now I have limited the portfolio exposure to 7 dividend aristocrats.

    I do not screen for Beta alone however I do prefer less volatility.

    Companies that carry less debt are interesting to me however their use and return of capital is most important. If they can turn debt into profit and use other peoples money in their profit making machine...that is alright with me.

    Being that 45% of market movement is decided by the rebalancing of index funds (passive investing) it seems to me that this could be an individual stock pickers market. But do not misunderstand me...the majority of this portfolio is made up of ETF's. I intend to goose the earnings with some excellent stock picks, but they do not dominate the portfolio. The taming that the ETF's present to the mix is needed for my sanity.

    I hope you are enjoying this journal...I am.


    P.S. Stock that are not part of indexes could be incredible candidates to watch (undervalued picks)...but what do I know?...hehe with my luck a theme fund could be started titled, "non-recognized index fund holdings" The ETF Channel publishes top ETF stock components.
    #22 ElectricSavant, Apr 28, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
  3. ElectricSavant

    ElectricSavant Active Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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    The Best Stocks Now app gives me a picture of what is happening now and gives me the days rank. It compares 5500 + stocks and ETF's to each other to see who is the strongest. This app does what other scanners do not do and gives me the stocks and ETF's that rise to the top when compared with the race they are running against each other with some unique criteria.

    Dividend Detective gives me an awesome list of "7 Dividend Aristocrats" updated monthly in its low cost newsletter. For Dividend Investors I can recommend this not very well-known newsletter that has been around for decades.

    ETF Channel, Quantimize & Stockoodles are the free websites that I am using just now.

    I use the FINVIZ free stock scanner.


    P.S. Get ready for some great results. With the help of these great tools and some patience I expect to mimick the S&P 500 performance. Visit often.
    #23 ElectricSavant, Apr 28, 2019
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2019
  4. ElectricSavant

    ElectricSavant Active Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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    After 127 days of managing this active portfolio:
    16.58% APY
    5.77% ROI

    S & P during the same period:
    24.36% ROI

    I am underperforming the S & P 500 with -18.59%

    This was my last report: I am underperforming the S & P 500 with -18.85%. So there is some improvement. I hope I have made the correct strategic adjustments and am turning the corner to at least head in the right direction match the s & P 500 and to mimic its performance. We shall see. I like this type day to day management. It's much more calculated and reminds me of captaining a big ship...vs. a quick little speed boat darting in and out of the path.
    #24 ElectricSavant, May 1, 2019
    Last edited: May 2, 2019
  5. stock1234

    stock1234 2017 Stockaholics Contest Winner

    Apr 3, 2016
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    Well I tried M1 Finance last December since it offered $20 bonus for just joining. It is actually pretty good if you use it for buy and hold. It is not great for short term trading since the trade won't be executed in real time, it can be done once a day only at around 9:30 am or 10:00 am (I am not sure). Anyway, the best thing about it is that it doesn't charge commission, and you can buy fractional shares there. If you want to own something like GOOGL, AMZN, or BKNG but don't want to use over $1000s to buy a whole share, then M1 Finance could be a pretty good place for you as long as you aren't looking to get in and out quickly.
    #25 stock1234, May 1, 2019
    Last edited: May 2, 2019
    Onepoint272 likes this.
  6. ElectricSavant

    ElectricSavant Active Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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    The Morning trading window begins at 9:00 AM CT. They have added an afternoon trading window and it is estimated to be available in 60-90 days.


    #26 ElectricSavant, May 2, 2019
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
  7. ElectricSavant

    ElectricSavant Active Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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    I have made some changes again. I am tossing the free websites and just sticking to the pay websites that I get info from. I have just 17 holdings beginning Monday 05/06/19.

    I am just unable to beat the S & P 500 and going with 40% in Bonds, 20% in the S & P 500 (SPY) and some individual stock plays. Fortunately, I have not lost any money in this bull market. I am just not happy with my performance. I feel these changes are necessary to stay ahead. I sent another $500.00 to the portfolio and am nearing the 10k mark.

    Four Segment Bond Approach (published at the ishares website) :
    • 10% Bonds <3 Months (SHV)
    • 10% Bonds 3-6 Months (FLOT, ICSH)
    • 10% Bonds 6-18 Months (MINT, NEAR)
    • 10% Bonds >18 Months (IGSB, SHY)
    Index holdings:
    • 20% S & P 500 (SPY)
    • 20% "Best Stocks Now" App (currently: CVNA, ANET) (Entry on Stocks that reach A+ and held until they drop to a hold signal rank $10.00/mo.)
    • 20% Seven Dividend Aristocrats (updated monthly, Dividend Detective $15.00/ mo.)

    After 129 days of managing this active portfolio:
    16.50% APY
    5.83% ROI

    S & P during the same period:
    25.04% ROI

    I am underperforming the S & P 500 with -19.46%

    #27 ElectricSavant, May 4, 2019
    Last edited: May 4, 2019
  8. ElectricSavant

    ElectricSavant Active Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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    Do to my underperformance of the S & P 500 I have closed all my holdings and 100% cash. Sometimes it is better to regroup and reevaluate. I made 500 bucks in this experiment so I took the profit and am in cash. I am opening up another thread and using what I have learned to beat the S & P 500 in a new portfolio of slices with M1.
  9. ElectricSavant

    ElectricSavant Active Member

    Mar 31, 2019
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