How do i learn how to place options orders?

Discussion in 'Educational videos and material' started by Curbdog, Sep 20, 2022.

  1. Curbdog

    Curbdog New Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Uhhggg i suck at understanding options!

    i have always traded stocks and i do well trading stocks. Once i do options i place backwards orders and lose money.

    how can i learn how to place the correct orders??? How do i learn how to submit the right exits?

    i am always losing money due to misplaced orders and incorrect exit orders

    everything is backwards

    I have watched so many videos and read so many books about options but once i am trading it is like i have no clue how to interpret what direction to place orders

    i place incorrect orders on half of my options trades losing money because i do not understand the backwardness of options numbers

    also if you can recommend a better forum because this one has little traffic

    i have posted a few topics about needing help with options that go nowhere

    what other forums will benefit me?
  2. Curbdog

    Curbdog New Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    This should be a more popular forum but there is no traffic and nobody enters discussions or it is too slow
  3. Curbdog

    Curbdog New Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Yesterday i swear i bought a put. It says i bought a put. Yesterday i tried closing the put for profits but i kept getting notifications that my orders were backwards. It made no sense to me.

    Today the stock flies way down but my position webt deep into the red as if it was not a put. But in TD Ameritrade this position showed this put was in the money today but over it was the opposite, deep in the red.

    My balance at TD showed it was in the green, but once i finally closed my put, my balance showed how much money i lost:

    this completely makes no sense whatsoever.

    man i need to meet a group that can show me how to trade options properly. I cannot afford all this guesswork and so many mistakes

    also after i make a mistake placing backwards orders, i still do not understand how to interpret what went wrong.

    this is so frustrating!!!!!!
  4. Curbdog

    Curbdog New Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    Everything is backwards
  5. Curbdog

    Curbdog New Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I clearly bought the put but then the price acted the opposite way as if I had opened with selling a put.

    it makes no sense whatsoever

    is there a better area of your forum to post this because few if any responses are made with most topics here
  6. Ridestock

    Ridestock Member

    Aug 30, 2018
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    If you think the stock will go up, then buy a call. If you think it will go down, then buy a put. If you want to sell first instead of buy, then it is the opposite, sell a put if you think it will go up and sell a call if you think it will go down. I never traded options, so I don't know the details, but maybe this will help.


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